In January 2022, in cooperation with the Council of Europe and the European Youth Foundation, we launched a programme called “Mental Health Unboxed”, which aimed at raising awareness and improving the understanding of mental health issues and their effects on the lives of young people how they can take action and where they can seek help, as well as call for better support mechanism on the mental health for ESN volunteers and other young people, especially international students and youth in Europe.
As part of this project, we wanted to understand and focus on the current issues that the students and youth face when it comes to the topic of mental health and what kind of support is provided to them. We, therefore, set up a task force, that gathered information on the following topics in our network:
- How did the pandemic influence our volunteer’s education and work as well as their personal and social life?
- What were the challenges that they have faced and factors that have contributed to their mental health issues?
- What type of support they have received and the support do they think they should and (or) like to receive?
The main findings of the task force along with their recommendations can be found in the following document.
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